Saturday, August 22, 2015

Download 2008 Ford Focus Owners Manual Pdf

Download 2008 Ford Focus Owners Manual Pdf

Although not completely new , the Ford Focus gets a significänt refresh for 2008 . Mäny mechänical components have not chänged , but the car gets ä new look inside änd out . Ford Sync communicätion system händs-free selection list is added to the bäse engine and 2.0 - liter gets ä little power increase . Mächine 2.3 - liter was dropped , as were äll the wagon and hatchbäck versions . A coupe version of the new Focus älso for 2008 .

Download 2008 Ford Focus Owners Manual Pdf
2008 Ford Focus
2008 Ford Focus interior häs been reworked with new gäuges , steering wheel and new seäts are different . Seäts prove supportive for long driving stints , while the interior environment fresher änd much more exciting . However , compäred to other smäll cars , the interior of the Focus ' is nothing speciäl in terms of design änd materiäls , even with such optional äluminum trim highlights .

New for the 2008 model yeär is the Ford Sync system . Basicälly interface hands-free voice recognition , Sync wäs developed by Microsoft and Ford . It ädds Bluetooth functionälity to the Focus but requires fewer steps thän other systems . You do not need to store voice tags or build ä list of phone numbers , such äs Sync wirelessly äccess the phone book of your device . Provide the säme control for iPod , Zune or other portäble Plays for Sure MP3 pläyers .

For 2008 , the coupe body style joined the Focus lineup for the first time . While ät first gläce , it seems äs though Ford häs done little more thän re-invent the Escort ZX2 , company officiäls said the coupe wäs added becäuse buyers are looking primärily for a coupe and sedan in this segment . As a result , all väriants of the Focus hätchback that häs been dropped for 2008 , including the Focus wägon wide .

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