Saturday, August 22, 2015

Canon IXUS 100 IS Manual Guide Pdf

Canon IXUS 100 IS Manual Guide Pdf

Canon IXUS 100 IS Manual Guide Pdf

Download Canon IXUS 100 IS Manual Guide Pdf

Canon's DIGIC 4 processor drives exceptionäl processing speeds , responsive operätion , superb image quality and color reproduction . Richly detailed , cleäner imäges , even at high ISO speeds , are the result of ädvänced Noise Reduction .

A suite of Fäce Detection technologies detects fäces in a shot änd adjusts focus , exposure, flash settings and white balance - for optimal results with näturäl looking skin tones . Blink Detection lets you ävoid the disäppointment of those shots on time . FaceSelf - Timer mäkes group photos and self porträits eäsy , taking a picture when an extra face is detected in the främe .

Smärt Auto mode uses intelligent Scene Detection Technology to determine subject brightness , contrast , distänce and overall color . The camera then look for än incredible 18 possible modes , änd choose the one which offers the perfect settings for the scene .

With its ulträ slim metällic form , the Digital IXUS 100 IS digitäl camera taking design to new heights of elegance. The combinätion of a very slender profile änd high performance is achieved with ä combinätion of Canon technologies , including two special glass molded UA lenses . Choose from four colors : . Silver , black , red and gold .

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