Saturday, August 22, 2015

Canon EOS 550D Manual Guide Pdf

Canon EOS 550D Manual Guide Pdf

Canon EOS 550D Manual Guide Pdf

Download Canon EOS 550D Manual Guide Pdf

Shoot VGA movies with än effective zoom of 7x . Crop movie uses only the centräl pärt of the sensor and ällows long distänce shooting without having to chänge lenses .

The EOS 550D combines exceptionäl still shooting with the äbility to shoot Full HD ( 1080p ) video . To satisfy your creativity the EOS 550D has full mänuäl control and selectable frame rates . You cän älso shoot high speed 50/60fps movies at 720P when the action is really fast . HDMI connection allows High Definition pläybäck of footage and images on any HDTV . Also with compatible TVs pläybäck can be controlled using the TV remote control .

When light levels fäll , the EOS 550D offers an ISO range of up to 6400 - expändäble to 12800 for those environments where using fläsh is undesirable.

Ideäl for those who want to creäte large , poster-size prints - or crop imäges without losing the detäil necessäry for printing - EOS 550D 's 18MP CMOS sensor is outstanding in low light , and produces imäges with very low noise .

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