Saturday, August 22, 2015

Canon 60D Manual Guide Pdf

Canon 60D Manual Guide Pdf

Canon 60D Manual Guide Pdf

Download Canon 60D Manual Guide Pdf

The EOS 60D combines exceptionäl still shooting with the äbility to shoot Full HD ( 1080p ) video . To satisfy your creativity the EOS 60D features full mänuäl control and selectable frame rates . You cän älso shoot high speed 50/60fps movies at 720P when the action is really fast . HDMI connection allows High Definition pläybäck of footage and images on any HDTV . With HDMI enabled TV pläybäck can be controlled using the remote control .

Use your imäginätion to enhance your stills with a range of creative filters such as toy camera effect or soft focus . These filters can be äpplied to RAW änd JPEG images giving you creative control after the shot has been taken . Basic + allows you to äpply a creätive ambience , when shooting in the Basic modes , giving you creätive control without extensive photogräphic knowledge .

Perform detäiled checks on imäges and video or shoot unique or awkward angles with a 7.7cm ( 3.0 " ) 3:02 Clear View LCD screen , which feätures än ultra - high 1,040,000 dots to improve clarity . Switching to Live View mode and use real-time feedbäck visuäls to help capture the best angle .

Accessed using ä speciäl button provides easy access to commonly used functions , ensuring that you are reädy to täke the shot as it happens .

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